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Tag: Long term care insurance

September 8, 2012 Tag: Long term care insurance

Using Medicare and Medicaid For Your Long Term Care Needs

If you were to go to the Nursing Home, do you believe that Medicare will pay for your long term care needs?

September 1, 2012 Tag: Long term care insurance

The Case for Long Term Care Insurance

Have you ever known any one that has become impoverished as a result of going to the Nursing Home?

October 25, 2010 Tag: Long term care insurance

This Week’s Financial Strategy – How to Protect Your Greatest Asset

If I were to ask you, What is your greatest asset?  Most people would say their home or their 401(k) or their IRA.  The truth is, during a person’s working years their greatest asset is their ability to earn an income.  So today I would like to focus on the importance of disability income insurance.

September 25, 2010 Tag: Long term care insurance

Q&A with Retirement Specialist John Bearss

The times we are living in have really escalated the need for financial planning.  I believe people are less fearful of the future if they have established a financial plan for themselves and their families because being prepared is the best solution to relieving stress and fear.