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Tag: petrodollar

September 30, 2015 Tag: petrodollar

The Impending Financial Crisis That Will Rock the Petrodollar

With tensions growing in the palace halls, anger rising among the Saudi population, and a growing deficit to boot with no relief in sight, trouble appears to be brewing for the Saudi kingdom.

August 15, 2013 Tag: petrodollar

India’s Risky Venture: Buying Iranian Oil

For those who understand the insidious nature of America’s global petrodollar scheme, the Congressional retaliation at Iran’s insistence on selling its oil in currencies outside of the U.S. dollar is no surprise.

August 5, 2013 Tag: petrodollar

Syria Bans Use of U.S. Dollars Amid Hyperinflation

Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad has just issued a grim decree that outlaws the use of all foreign currency, including the U.S. dollar, in commercial transactions.

August 4, 2012 Tag: petrodollar

Global Central Banks on Red Alert

“Get ready for the biggest money pump in history…”

May 19, 2012 Tag: petrodollar

The Best of FTMWeekly Radio

On this week’s program, we bring you the best of FTMWeekly Radio from the past year. But first, our good friend and Precious Metals Advisor, Tom Cloud, gives his insights on the prices of gold, silver, and palladium in this week’s Precious Metals Market Update.

April 7, 2012 Tag: petrodollar

Is A New Global Gold Standard Coming?

Is the world moving closer towards a new gold standard? Tom Cloud, Precious Metals Advisor, has the answer to this question, as well as the latest updates on gold, silver, and palladium in this week’s Precious Metals Market Update.

May 21, 2011 Tag: petrodollar

The Hidden Agenda: The Truth About U.S.-Israeli Relations

This Week’s Topic: 1) The Hidden Truth About U.S.-Israeli Relations and 2) Secrets of Urban Survival.
This week’s special guest interview: 1) Author David Morris.

May 17, 2011 Tag: petrodollar

America’s Petrodollar System: A Timeline of the Rise and Fall of the U.S. Dollar

When will the U.S. Dollar collapse? Here’s a brief timeline that summarizes the rise and fall of the U.S. Dollar. It also details the decline of the dollar due to the petrodollar collapse.

May 11, 2011 Tag: petrodollar

What a Hamburger Can Teach Us About the Coming Dollar Collapse

To help understand the faltering petrodollar system, I often use an illustration about a hamburger stand. Here it goes…

May 10, 2011 Tag: petrodollar

Meet the System That Will Collapse the U.S. Dollar

The coming breakdown of the global petrodollar system will result in the total and complete collapse of the U.S. Dollar. And yet, very few people have even heard of this system, let alone understand it.

May 5, 2011 Tag: petrodollar

Peak Oil 101: What You Should Know About The “End” of Oil

One of the greatest – and most imminent – challenges looming on America’s economic horizon is the threat of global peak oil production. You may have heard of the phrase “peak oil” from television, newspapers or other media sources. But what exactly does the phrase “peak oil” mean? Well, just like everything else, there is a simple answer and a more complex answer.

May 4, 2011 Tag: petrodollar

America’s Energy Crisis 101: Introduction

Today, our entire global economic infrastructure — not just America’s — has been built and designed around petroleum-based products. In fact, our entire way of life today would be virtually impossible without the amazing properties that we find within petroleum. Oil has become largely irreplaceable in today’s exploding global economy.